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Finding young writers. Taking Them to New Levels!
A new grass-roots writing initiative identifies talented young writers and gives them the same "select" opportunity that their peers in sports and music have. The results are already are great and the plans for growth statewide are big.
Confused and frustrated by others and his state, Horace Benbow in William Faulkner’s
Sanctuary says, “I need a change. Either I, or Mississippi, one.”
Do we sometimes feel like Horace? We love our state, but it confounds us.
Mississippimatters' creative co-op of writers, videographers and thinkers invites wrestling with such tensions.
MM won't cover much breaking news. Instead, it will reflect, suggest and chat.
Some entries will be a bit deeper. We will feature investigative articles other publications avoid. Lots of lighthearted ideas will be tossed in about enjoyable people, places and things. Expect an eclectic mix.
If we're easily pegged politically or socially, we need to do better. Let us know.
Some contributors have "extra" degrees, others are "degree-less." All can write; they care and dare to share their hearts and minds (and they can turn a phrase).
Our writers come from unlikely places. We think some of the best thinkers use a wrench. not a pen.
Some of our "takes" may upset you.Thanks for feeling! Some may prop up your opinions. We hope to prompt banter at water coolers, coffee shops and family tables.
It’s so true—we in the Magnolia State often feel like Horace Benbow. Faulkner tapped into us.
How about us doing some head-scratching together?
Let’s laugh, muse and talk. After all, Mississippi Matters.
The Editors
So why