GOP & Dem. Members Practicing Christianity Low in Jackson

Just 17 percent of Jacksonians say they are a registered Republican and a "practicing Christian."
Only 26 percent of Jacksonians say they are a registered Democrat and a practicing Christian.
The figure drops to seven percent for those who say they are a practicing Christian and an Independent.
All other registered Jackson voters don't seem to claim strict political/Christian identities.
A new 2017 study by the respected Barna Research Group uncovers these surprising facts and more about Jackson’s political/religious correlations.
Barna’s definition of a “practicing Christian” is anyone who says that “their (Christian) faith is very important in their life, and who attended a religious service or gathering in the past month.”
Another finding: all totaled, 35 percent of Jacksonians are registered Democrats; 26 percent are Republicans; 14 percent are Independents; others don't self-identify.
This next figure may be a surprise: Jackson is now 7th among American cities in which Christians practice their faith, as defined by Barna. Monroe, Louisiana, and El Dorado, Arkansas, tie for 1st, according to Barna.
And when it comes to cities where citizens actually "self-identify" as Christians, Shreveport, Louisiana, leads the list; Jackson sits at 13.