The Beauty of Where You Are

I have no idea where you find yourself in life right now.
Myself? I spend the majority of my time in a small college town called Fulton in Northeast Mississippi. (aka THE Itawamba Community College; aka THE greatest community college known to man) I love this place. I love my job at The Square Gift Co. I love my classes. I love my professors. I love Indian Delegation, Phi Theta Kappa, The Chieftain, the Wesley, the BSU, FCA, Bethel Baptist Church. These organizations and places have blessed me. These are the things that consume my time at this point. And as exhausting as some weeks are, I absolutely love where I am right now. Mission surrounds me, and although I fail, I feel so incredibly blessed by God. For the countless opportunities around me to spread the gospel. For His glory He has so freely revealed to me. For the love He has placed in my heart. For His will.
Shelby? She is at a totally different place in her life right now. As I am in Fulton for another year, she is preparing for another lengthy trip to the Philippines. And from just talking with her at dinner one night, I can tell you how blessed she feels for the miracles God has revealed to her through a country across the ocean. Ministering to a population who may have otherwise never heard the name "Jesus" without a blessing such as Rosemary's. Her heart is all in. Her heart trusts God's will for her life, despite uncertainty that comes along with fully trusting Christ.
Because our God is so huge. He is never limited to a place on our maps. He is never limited to a face on our Instagram feeds. He is never limited to our own thoughts and opinions. He isn't limited to only what WE can comprehend. He isn't limited to our own dreams and plans.
He is God.
He is God at all times.
He is God in both the good and bad.
He is God no matter where you are.
He is God.
So where are you in your life right now?
You may be in a season of complete uncertainty. Of transition. Of doubt and fear. There is beauty there.
You may be at a job you really don't enjoy. You may not ever see Christ there or understand why you're even there. There is beauty there.
You may be a student. Rushing through classes. Skimming through books. There is beauty there.
You may be a student. Studying into the morning. Leaving one meeting and rushing to another. Exhausted. There is beauty there.
You may be a mother. Terrified for the hearts of your children. Exhausted from the busy schedules. There is beauty there.
You may be a missionary. Off in an unfamiliar place. Preaching the gospel through a translator. There is beauty there.
Ok, I'll stop with the scenarios. There is beauty everywhere, y'all. Beauty in pain. Beauty in joy. Beauty in rest. Beauty in work. Beauty in serving. Beauty in America. Beauty in the Philippines. Beauty in Fulton. Beauty is everywhere. Beauty is where we welcome it. Beauty is where we cultivate it.
Imagine a world that cultivates beauty. Imagine a generation that finds beauty in the midst of every situation. Imagine a society filled
with individuals who make the absolute most of where they are in that very moment in time.
Where you are matters. And what you do with your time matters.
So wherever you find yourself. Wherever you work. Wherever you live. Wherever you spend your spare time. Open your heart to the beauty there.
Open your eyes to the mission there. Open your soul to the glory of God around you.
Your time. Your job. Your hobbies. Your heartbeat. It's all for His glory.
So where are you? Small Town, America? A village in the Philippines?
There is beauty there.
See it. Cultivate it. Live it.